In line with the implementation of the Healthy China strategy, deepening the Shanghai Health Action, innovating health promotion models, and promoting the exchange and integration of medicine and art, on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the Shanghai Medical Association, an unparalleled “Medical-Art Integration Four Seasons Elegant Gathering” cloud-based boutique salon concert was staged on the dazzling 120th floor of Shanghai Center.

This is the first large-scale music therapy charity performance in China, co-hosted by the Shanghai Medical Association, the Office of Shanghai Health Promotion Committee, and the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation.

The event was jointly organized by the Shanghai Health Promotion Center, the Ma Xiaohui Cultural and Art Special Fund of the Shanghai Soong Ching Ling Foundation, J Hotel Shanghai Center, and Shanghai Ma Xiaohui Cultural and Art Co., Ltd.

Xu Jianguang, President of the Shanghai Medical Association, served as the executive producer and overall planner, and Ma Xiaohui, a renowned erhu soloist of the Shanghai National Orchestra and a national first-class performer, joined hands with experts from the Shanghai Mental Health Center and other psychologists to present a wonderful performance, paying tribute to the white-clad angels, healing souls through music, embracing the present, and transcending oneself.

This concert, with the theme of “Poetic Charm of the Qin,” invites the audience to close their eyes and gradually enter a state of experiencing the power of beautiful music from around the world through a beautiful overture.

Through four movements, the audience opens their hearts to embrace music, discover the beauty of life, listen to the dialogue between medicine and art, and accompany beauty and love. The repertoire includes original works by Ma Xiaohui, such as “Qin Yun,” as well as classic pieces like the theme song from “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” The performance features a variety of forms, including immersive erhu solo, ensemble performances with folk guitar, guzheng, pipa, percussion, and musical theater, allowing everyone to release stress in the beautiful and moving melodies and soothe their souls in the gentle and delicate dialogue.

In the dialogue between medicine and art, the musicians and artists share their personal experiences from different perspectives and explain the principles and effects of music therapy.

As the producer, creative director, speaker, host, and lead musician of this concert, Ma Xiaohui expressed that in the past few years, people have faced severe challenges, with increased stress, declining sleep quality, decreased work efficiency, and severe anxiety, which have affected their daily lives and the quality of life. Therefore, through the high-end public welfare exploration and experimentation of “Medical-Art Integration” in music therapy, we continue to pursue the longing for a “better life” and pay more attention to the construction of people’s minds and “mental environmental protection.”

The immersive live sensory experience will make music touch and melt people’s souls more deeply than words can. It helps us find a profound tranquility and sense of happiness, allowing us to embrace daily work and life with a positive attitude of gratitude towards life, society, and the present, and achieve a sense of fulfillment.

The world’s colorful melodies and the crossover interpretation of Chinese and Western elements, the beautiful and warm sound of the erhu, and the guidance of experts can all serve as effective remedies for stress, healing our souls and embarking on a unique journey of “medical-art.”

Experts from the Shanghai Mental Health Center stated that music therapy is a systematic intervention process that uses various forms of activities related to music as means, such as listening, singing, instrumental performance, music creation, lyric creation, improvisation, dance, and art, to provide an opportunity for individuals to express and vent their emotions through music and language communication. People can support, understand, and sympathize with each other in emotional communication, thereby alleviating various psychological and emotional troubles and pains, enhancing self-confidence and self-evaluation, and promoting mental health.

Walking hand in hand with beauty, following the path of love, embracing the present, and being grateful for life. The organizers stated that this concert is an exploration and experience to enrich the inner emotional world, to reacquaint oneself and mature. Under the influence of the beauty of music, emotional experiences and life experiences gradually transform into an aesthetic experience, thereby being sublimated, and ultimately becoming spiritual wealth.

This concert is also a new beginning and launch. It is specially chosen to unfold at the cloud-based boutique music hall of J Hotel Shanghai Center, the highest hotel in the world. It is hoped that everyone can continue to ascend in the beautiful nature, continue to embrace the blessings and praise of life and the beauty of nature, and pursue the desire for a “better life.” In the future, the city will attempt more diverse, meticulous, and innovative health healing methods to safeguard the physical and mental well-being of more people and enable more people to enjoy a high-quality healthy life.


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